April 10, 2013

Ethernet Cabling

Ethernet Cabling is as important as Ethernet Cabling Standard (IEEE 802.3 Physical Layer Specification or Standard). If you are planning to take Cisco Exam then you should be aware of  Ethernet Cabling.

Three types of Ethernet cables are available:

  • Straight-through cable
  • Crossover cable
  • Rolled cable

Straight-Through Cable

The straight-through cable is used to connect
  • Host to switch or hub
  • Router to switch or hub
It is evident from the above that Straight Through Cable is used to connect dis-similar device. Of total Eight wire(4 pair), Four wires are used in straight-through cable to connect Ethernet devices. It is relatively simple to create this type of able as both end has to follow same color pattern. This color pattern used in Straight Through cable is 568B Standard which followed on both end of this cable.

Crossover Cable

The crossover cable can be used to connect
  • Switch to switch
  • Hub to hub
  • Host to host
  • Hub to switch
  • Router direct to host
You may observe from the above that Cross Over cable are used to connect similar type of device. In Cross Over cable, the same four wires are used in this cable as in the straight-through cable; we just connect different pins together.

Rollover Cable

Rollover cables also referred to as Yost cables are most commonly used to connect to a devices console port to make programming changes to the device. It is used to connect a host to a router console serial communication (com) port. If you have a Cisco router or switch, you would use this cable to connect
your PC running HyperTerminal to the Cisco hardware so that you can configure your router and switch. Eight wires are used in this cable to connect serial 
devices, although not all eight are used to send information, just as in Ethernet networking. At one end there is RJ 232 Serial Connector to connect to PC and on other end there is RJ 45 to connect to Console Port of Router.

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