March 30, 2013

Prepare for Cisco and CompTIA Certification Using ZQcert

You might be worried how to prepare for Cisco and ComTIA Certification while working on Ubuntu OS. So your worry ends here with ZQcert application.
ZQcert is an excellent tool to help prepare you for your Cisco and CompTIA certification exams. Realistic questions, very similar to actual exam questions, are grouped into multiple 10 question quizzes for each exam. Test your knowledge and get a better feeling for the exam.

ZQcert is a free application. Its available in Ubuntu Software Center. To install ZQcert on your Ubuntu OS you only need to have Ubuntu Account.

You can also install ZQCert for Ubuntu by clicking on below link:

Moreover ZQCert is also available for other operating system like Mac, Windows, Android, etc.

To Download ZQCert for other Operating Systems use below links:

For Windows:
For Android: 
For Iphone

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