August 28, 2011

Shortcut To Open Different Microsoft System Console in WindowsOperating System

Many features of Windows 7 are easily accessed & controlled via those files in your windows\system32 folder which end in *.msc
We can open different system console from command prompt or from Run window just by typing its related file name.
Probably the best knows is gpedit.msc

Following  is a list of those .msc files with a  short description of each:

azman.mscAuthentication Manager
certmgr.mscCertificate Manager
comexp.mscComponent Services (COM+) Administration
compmgmt.mscComputer Management (contains several  other consoles, for example, DiskMgmt.Msc)
devmgmt.mscDevice Manager
diskmgmt.mscDisk Management
eventvwr.mscEvent Viewer
fsmgmt.mscShared Folders Management
gpedit.mscGroup Policy Editor
lusrmgr.mscLocal Users and Groups
NAPCLCFG.mscNetwork Access Protocol Client Configuration
perfmon.mscPerformance Monitor
printmanagement.mscPrint Management
rsop.mscResultant Set Of Policy
secpol.mscSecurity Policy Editor ( a subset of Group Policy)
services.mscServices manager
taskschd.mscTask Scheduler
tpm.mscTrusted Platform Module
WF.mscWindows Firewall with Advanced Security
Shortcut for: Control Panel | Windows Firewall | Advanced Settings (on left in Task Pane)
WmiMgmt.mscWindows Management Instrumentation Control

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